Friday, January 8, 2016

Cauliflower Fried Rice & Cream Cheese Pancakes

Last night, as I was putting together my notes from our group, I realized I forgot to share with you the two recipes we taste tested and shared around. In fact I like the idea of posting these on a seperate post so they will be easy to find next time you want to give them a go, so you can watch for the recipe pages along with pages of encourgment to keep going.

For those who are like me, getting back on the wagon again, here are the recipes for the week.

This recipe is cranked out almost weekly at our house, and it gets a regular tweeking to meet the needs of my menus each week. This week was Fried Rice, use this basic recipe and add what you love. I will grate up a carrot, slice 3-4 green onions, add some fried bacon (which then I cook the rice in the bacon fat) and sometimes a little chopped leftover meat (shredded chicken or a thin sliced leftover steak), and finish it off a splash of Tamari (gluten free soy sauce).
We leave it plan if we are paring it with a protien or plan to have some sort of sauce that will be put with it. Anything you would use rice for, you can sub this and wipe out the carb load from it.
I've shared my Cream Cheese Pancakes before, and they are worth revisiting again. This time its just the pancake, last time I took them and stuffed them with  sausage, and made pigs in a blanket. But like the rice, you can make changes to this too. Concider omitting the cinnamon and sweetner, add garlic powder, maybe a few herbs, and now you have a light wrap you could put sliced turkey meat, a slice of cheese, a leaf of lettuce and slices of red pepper in and roll up for your lunch or a snack for a walk or hike.

So there it is, make some good choices, try some new food and lets see if we can improve out quality of life a little.

I will be pulling out my camera and taking pictures of what I'm cooking again too so you can see what I'm up too. But these attached websites will give you all you need to try out these ideas.
This should be a crazy ride this year, we are getting the drawings back this week for remodeling our house, which includes a new kitchen for me, I can't wait and don't worry, I will be sharing pictures of the progress!


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