Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week One

A successful week. Wednesday as we all sat around the table, we found that each of us lost weight of varied amounts and everyone seemed to feel good  about choices they had made that week.

Our successes were measured in little thing, by passing an offer for Starbucks, making the decision to make careful choices when forced to make a stop at the local fast food place. Drinking more water and switching to a sugar free drink at Starbuck, eating no bread all week. All little things, but in reality huge steps to take better care of ourselves.

We talked about the biggest challenges we have been facing, and our biggest hurdle discussed this week was what to eat for lunch. A couple of us typically eat lunch at our desks everyday, wedging in eating with the craziness of the day.  

I had brought egg cups as samples as well as a grain free muffin, and even these simple ideas could be part of healthy lunch that fit our plans. As we brain stormed for lunch ideas, these were some of the ideas we came up with:


I shared with the group one more kitchen tool to make this process easier is to consider picking up a silicone bakeware. The first couple of pieces I bought many years ago were super expensive and yes they work great, but  it was beyond my budget to keep buying pieces I wanted without needing to hire out the kids to feed my habit. But luckily I had a chance to chat with a professional Executive Pastry Chef and she said not to waste my money, jump on Amazon and find the pieces I needed $8-$20. Well she was a great help, I found regular muffin cups and jumbo cups that work just as good as the fancy home party ones I started with. And the cheep ones come in lots of fun colors too! Now I am considering a donut mold for my next investment.

We talked about continuing with our positive choices, what items from the list we had done well with and what we are going to look at achieving this week. As an added goal to the list I encouraged them to take the time to watch one of the following movies, and so I encourage you as well, to take the time keep reviewing the Positive Choices list and find things to work on this week.

FU (Fed-Up)
Food Inc.
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead
Chew on this TedTalks

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