Monday, October 21, 2013

Breakfast for dinner

Well today is a true confession day. I must say I spent the bulk of my weekend on a starch and bread binge. Burgers with buns, french bread, french toast, french fries, you name it, I ate it. But now that has past and I must focus on the week ahead. so I'm starting the week with leftover Moussaka, and my second cooking night will be breakfast for dinner. 

I came across a restaurant in Seattle last March that was serving corned beef has made with sweet potatoes, and I determined I was in love at that moment. Sadly enough I have not taken the time to duplicate the meal, but this morning as I poured over the blogs I follow, I came across the attached recipe for a beef and sweet potato hash that looks pretty close. So in an attempt to cleanse myself from wheat and starch, I will be giving this recipe a go, and I will let you know how close it comes to my memory of that wonderful hash I enjoyed in Seattle.

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